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Training and lectures 2011

January, 20, 21 Dresden, Germany. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
February, 11, 12 Munich, Germany. Topic: Phase I Treatment of Dissociative Disorders.
February, 18, 19 Kortenberg, Belgium. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
March, 30 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Conference Dutch Psychiatric Society Topic: Borderline and/or Dissociative Disorder: Diagnostic Dilemmas
April, 16 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dutch Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Topic: Treatment of Symptoms of Depression in Survivors of Early Childhood Trauma: Is there a role for hypnosis?
April, 29, 30 Modum Bad, Norway. Topic: Treatment of Dissociative Disorders: advanced Issues
May, 18, 19 Tel Aviv, Israel. Topic: Phase I Treatment of Dissociative Disorders.
August, 26, 27 Modum Bad, Norway. Topic: Treatment of Dissociative Disorders: advanced issues
October, 6, 7 Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Skills training for patients with DID and DDNOS, structured groups
October, 28, 29 Munich, Germany. Topic: Treatment of Dissociative Disorders: Advanced Issues
November, 25, 26 Dresden, Germany. Phase I Treatment of Dissociative Disorders.
November, 4 Montreal, Canada. One-day workshop: Skills training for Patients with Complex Dissociative Disorders
November 5, 6 Montreal, Canada. ISSTD. Workshop 1: hypnotic interventions in the treatment of depression and suicidality in patients with dissociative disorders; workshop 2: Structured groups for patients with DID and DDNOS
December, 3 Paris, France. Keynote speech: Overview of treatment of complex dissociative disorders; Workshop: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders

Training and lectures 2012

February, 2, 3 Dresden, Germany. Topic: Stabilization of complex dissociative disorders
February, 8 Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Topic: Diagnosis and Treatment of Dissociative Disorders
February, 17 Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Supervision
March, 20, 21 Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
March, 29, 31 Berlin, Germany. ESTD conference. Topic: Impasses in Therapy with Complex DD patients
April, 13 Tilburg, the Netherlands. Topic: Unexplained Somatic Symptoms: when is this a dissociative disorder?
April, 27, 28 Dresden, Germany. Topic: Treatment of Traumatic Memories
June, 8 Helsinki, Finland: Supervision
June, 23, 24 Paris, France. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
August, 10 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
August, 27, 28 Viken, Norway. Topic: Getting Stuck: Impasses in the treatment of complex traumatized patients
August, 30, 31 Modum Bad, Norway. Topic: Impasses in inpatient treatment programs of complex traumatized patients
September, 8 Bad Honnef, Germany. Topic: Treatment of complex dissociative disorders
October, 11, 12 Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Structured Groups for DID patients
October, 26 Utrecht, the Netherlands. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders (part 1)
November, 2 Maarssen, the Netherlands. Keynote on skills training for DD patients; workshop on Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
November, 8, 9 Modum Bad, Norway: Topic: Using and Strengthening Patients own Resources: combining creativity in the treatment of complex dissociative disorders.
November, 15 Goes, the Netherlands. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
November, 16 Utrecht, the Netherlands. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders (part 2)
November, 23 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
December, 1, 2 Paris, France. Topic: Phase I Treatment of Dissociative Disorders.
December, 7 Utrecht, the Netherlands. Topic: Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders (part 3)
December, 14, 15 Leipzig, Germany. Topic: Treatment of “impossible” patients with dissociative disorders. Diagnostic issues, Phase I treatment and complexities in the therapeutic relation

Training and lectures 2013

February 22  Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Supervision
March 16, 17  Stockholm, Sweden. Topic: Stabilization of Chronic Trauma, the Use of Hypnotic Techniques
April 5  Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Supervision
April 11, 12  Modum Bad, Norway. Topic: Differential Diagnosis of Dissociative Disorders and Personality Disorders
April 18  Prague, Czech Republic. ESTD Spring Conference: Long term consequences of chronic traumatization: Psychoform and somatoform symptoms of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Disorders
May 31, June 1  Leuven, Belgium. Topic: Phase I Treatment of Complex Dissociative Disorders (Language of seminar: Dutch)
June 14  Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Supervision
June 20, 21  Maarssen, the Netherlands. Topic: SCID-D training (Language: Dutch)
August 16 – 18  Helsinki, Finland. Topic: Supervision
September 12, 13  Timosoara, Rumania. Recognizing and Treating Complex Trauma-Related disorders
October 4, 5  Leuven, Belgium. Topic: Treatment of Complex Dissociative Disorders: Dealing with Difficulties in the Therapeutic Relationship (Language of Seminar: Dutch)
October 21, 22  Viken, Norway. Supervision
October 24, 25  Oslo, Modum Bad, Norway. Supervision
November 9, 10  Stockholm, Sweden. Topic: Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma; part I: Diagnostic assessment and treatment plan.
November 15 – 18  Baltimore, USA. ISSTD conference. Topics: 1. Differential Diagnosis of Dissociative Disorders; 2. Using Patients’ own Resources
November 29  Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
December 13  Munich, Germany. Topic: Treatment of Complex Dissociative Disorders: Using Patients own Resources ( Language of seminar: English/German)
December 14  Munich, Germany. Topic: Getting Stuck in the Therapy of Complex Dissociative Disorders

Training and lectures 2014

January 10 Helsinki, Finland: supervision
January 18, 19 Stockholm, Sweden: Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma. Part II: Stabilization and symptom reduction
January 23 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dutch Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders (Language Dutch)
February 6 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dutch Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Phase 1 treatment, in particular the use of hypnosis techniques (Language Dutch)
February 21, 22 Leuven, Belgium: Treatment of Complex Dissociative Disorders: Treatment of Traumatic Memories
March 20 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dutch Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Supervision Day (with Onno van der Hart)
March 21 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
March, 27, 28, 29 Prague, Czech Republic. ESTD Conference. One-day workshop with Kathy Steele (topic and other presentations will follow)
April 4-6 Swanwick, UK. TAGS conference. Keynotes and presentations on Diagnostics and Treatment of Complex Trauma; Stabilization and using patients resources; and treatment of patients who report histories of ritual abuse
April 15, 16 Helsinki, Finland. The Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
May 10, 11 Stockholm, Sweden. Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma Part III: Phase II Treatment of traumatic memories: techniques; indications and contraindications
May 13, 14 Tallinn, Estonia. Recognizing and treating complex dissociative disorders
May 30,31 June 1 Venice, Italy. The Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
June 3, 4 Helsinki, Finland. The Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders (part 2) Differential diagnosis and making a treatment plan.
June 13, 14 Leuven, Belgium: The Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
June 27, 28 Leuven, Belgium: The Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders
August 27 Oslo, Norway. 1 day workshop: How to cope with trauma-related dissociation? Using skills training for complex dissociative disorders in individual therapy.
August 28 Modum Bad , Norway. Supervision
September 1, 2 Vikersund, Norway. Supervision
September 20, 21 Stockholm, Sweden. Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma: Part IV: “Treating the Impossible Patient”: How to Deal with “Stuck Therapies” and Problems in the Therapeutic Relationship. (Day 1 presentation, day 2 supervision of participants’ cases).
October 16, 17 Tallinn, Estonia. Recognizing and treating complex dissociative disorders
November 14 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
November 26, 27 Sundvall, Sweden
November 29, 30 Stockholm, Sweden. Diagnostics of Dissociative Disorders

Training and lectures 2015

January 23 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
February 27 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
March 7, 8 Stockholm, Sweden: Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma. Part II: Stabilization and symptom reduction
March 23, 24 Oulu, Finland. Diagnosing Dissociative Disorders
April 10 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
April 17 – 20 Florida, USA. ISSTD conference; preconference workshop on diagnosing dissociative disorders
April 23 Timisoara, Rumenia. Diagnosing Dissociative Disorders ( full day workshop)
April 24 Timisoara, Rumenia. ESTD one day conference. Lecture on diagnosis of dissociative disorders.
May 30, 31 Stockholm, Zweden. Stockholm, Zweden. Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma: Part III: “Treating the Impossible Patient”: How to Deal with “Stuck Therapies” and Problems in the Therapeutic Relationship.
June 5 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
August 17, 18 Viken, Norway. Supervison
August 21, 22 Modum Bad Norway. Supervision
September 11 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
October 1, 2 Sundvall, Sweden. Phase oriented treatment of early childhood trauma (part 1)
October 3, 4 Stockholm, Sweden. Phase-oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders and chronic trauma Part IV: Phase II. Treatment of traumatic memories: techniques; indications and contraindications
October 8 The Netherlands. CELEVT conference: keynote speech
October 22, 23 Katowice, Poland. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dissociative and other traumarelated disorders:
November 5, 6, 7 Toronto, Canada. Diagnosing Dissociative Disorders
November 20 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
November 27, 28 Hamburg, Duitsland. Diagnosing Dissociative Disorders (part I of training of four weekends)


Training and lectures 2016

January 15,16 Hamburg, Germany: Treatment of Dissociative Disorders workshop 2: Stabilization and symptom reduction
February 5 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
February 11, 12 Sundsvall, Zweden. Workshop 3. Treatment of Chronic Traumatization: Problems in Therapeutic Relationship
February 19 Enschede, Netherlands. Mediant in-company training part 1
March 4, 5 Hamburg, Germany. Workshop 3: Treatment of Dissociative Disorders: The Therapeutic Relationship
March 16, 17 Helsinki, Finland. Diagnosing Dissociative Disorders
April 1 Enschede, Netherlands: Mediant in-company training part 2
April 14 Amsterdam , Netherlands. Diagnosing Dissociative Disorders Workshop ESTD conference Introduction of Trauma and Dissociation Symptoms Interview (TADS-I)
April 14, 15, 16 ESTD 5th Bi-Annual Conference, Amsterdam
April 20 Enschede, Netherlands. Mediant in-company training part 3
May 19, 20 Sundsvall, Sweden. Workshop 4: Treatment of Chronic Traumatization Phase II: Treatment of Traumatic memories
May 27, 28 Hilden, Germany. Stabilization of complex dissociatrive disorders in groups and individual therapy (English spoken)
June 5 Hamburg , Duitsland. Workshop 4: Treatment of Chronic Traumatization Phase II: Treatment of Traumatic memories
September 1, 2 Katowice, Polen. Stabilization of complex dissociatrive disorders in groups and individual therapy (English spoken)
September 7, 8, 9 Durham, UK. Longterm consequences of chronic childhood abuse Assessment and treatment
September 14, 15 Oulu, Finland 2 day workshop on Stabilization of complex dissociatrive disorders
September 16 Helsinki, Finland. Supervision
September 26-28 Sardinië. Diagnosis and treatment of complex dissociative disorders
October 7, 8 London, UK. Diagnosis and treatment of complex dissociative disorders
October 20, 21 Viken center, Norway. Lecture and supervision
October 27, 28 Oslo and Modum Bad, Noorwegen. Supervision
November 15, 16 Stockholm, Sweden, lectures at “Psychotherapy Fair”
November 24, 25 Bodo, Norway. Diagnostics of complex dissociative disorders (English)
December 1 Helsinki, Finland. final presentation of project “psycho educational groups for dissociative parents” (Finnish and English spoken)

Training and lectures 2018

Below you will find my workshop and training schedule for 2018. Most workshops are offered in English. Please feel free to contact me for more information about any of these events, or click on the link to obtain more details on a particular workshop or training.

January 12, 13 Poland, Katowice: two day workshop (English)
day 1: Difficulties in the treatment of complex trauma-related disorders
day 2: Treatment of traumatic memories
January 20, 21, 22 Milan: workshop ‘Treating Trauma- related Dissociation’ with Kathy Steele and Onno van der Hart. From diagnosis to integration (Italian translation)
February 2, 3 Paris: Diagnosing dissociative disorders, EMDR France. (French translation)
February 15, 16, 17 Hamburg, Germany: February 15: supervision. February 16 & 17 (German translation)
March 15 & 18 Moscow: Diagnosing dissociative disorders, EMDR Moscow
April 12, 13 Bergen, Norway: Diagnosing dissociative disorders (English) More info
April 25, 26 Helsinki, Finland: Diagnosing dissociative disorders (Finish translation)
May 11, 12 Debrecen, Hungary: ESTD conference, How to Understand, Diagnose and Treat Trauma-generated Dissociation, Suzette Boon & Onno van der Hart. More info
May 24, 25 Oslo en Modum Bad: supervision
June 8, 9, 10 Swanwick, UK: Trauma and Abuse group (TAG) 2018 conference
July 6, 7, 8 La Coruna, Spain: Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele and Doloris Mosquera. Three-day advanced workshop. Working with integration failures in complex trauma. Treatment differences across diagnostic categories. More info
September 1, 2 La Coruña, Spain: Basic Training in Clinical Hypnosis
September 21, 22, 23 Sardinia, Italy
Day 1: Diagnosis of dissociative disorders with Trauma and Dissociation Symptoms Interview ( TADS-I)
Day 2 and 3: Treatment of complex dissociative disorders
October 6, 7 Stockholm, Sweden: Diagnosing dissociative disorders. WONSA More info
October 11 Oslo and Modum: Supervision
November 8, 9 Stockholm, Sweden: Dissociative disorders: Stabilization and treatment of traumatic memories. WONSA More info

Workshops and supervision 2019

January 17 Supervision Oslo
January 18 Supervision Modum bad
Jan 26 – March 2 Out of office
March 9, 10 A Coruña, Hypnosis training part 2
March 14 Ede, The Netherlands (mainly in Dutch!): 1 day conference: behandeling van traumagerelateerde dissociatie. Kathy Steele, Suzette Boon en Onno van der Hart. Meer info
March 22 Nscience London (advanced workshop): DID, BPD and / or C-PTSD? Diagnostic assessment and treatment implications.
March 29 Preconference workshop New York with Kathy Steele and Dolores Mosquera: Integration Failures Across Diagnostic Categories in Traumatized Individuals: diagnosis and treatment.
April 12, 13 Neurenberg: Resolving impasses and working with ‘difficult’ parts in patients with a complex dissociative disorder.
May 21 Oslo: supervision
May 22 Kristiansand Trauma Conference: Dissociative, Psychotic or both – Differential diagnosis and treatment implications.
June 14, 15 Katowice, Poland: Phase I treatment of complex dissociative disorders.
June 24, 25 Norway, Viken Center: supervision
September 6, 7 Fortschritte Hamburg: Treatment of complex dissociative disorders – Resistance and ongoing abuse and the impact on the therapeutic relationship.
September 14, 15 Moscow: Treatment of complex dissociative disorders phase II Treatment of traumatic memories.
September 26, 27 Helsinki: Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I.
October 3 Bukarest: Diagnosis and treatment of dissociative disorders: an overview. Plenary presentation and workshop
 October 10, 11 Estonia, Talinn: Resistance, difficulties and pitfalls in the treatment of
complex trauma-related disorders
October 24-26 Italy, Rome: ESTD conference, more info 
November 8, 9 Brussel: Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I (language Dutch)
November 22, 23 Nscience London: Stabilization and treatment of traumatic memories for patients with CPTSD and dissociative disorders, more info
December 12, 13 Stockholm: Resistance, difficulties and pitfalls in the treatment of complex dissociative disorders,  more info 

Workshops and supervision 2020

Until January 27 – Out of office

January 31 – February 1 München, Trauma Hilfe Zentrum – Dissociative, borderline, psychotic? A diagnosis workshop,
February 27, 28 Dresden, Klinik am Waldschlößchen – Treatment of ‘difficult’ patients with a Complex Dissociative Disorder (1 day workshop on febr. 28)
March 20-21 Stockholm, Wonsa, 2 day workshop “Treatment of traumatic memories in complex dissociative disorders”
April 18-19 Moscow, EMDR society – “Treatment of traumatic memories in complex dissociative disorders”
May 15-16 Milan – Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I (advanced workshop)
September 19 Nscience,  London 1 day workshop – content of workshop to be announced
October 23, 24 Stockholm, Wonsa – Resistance, difficulties and pitfalls in the treatment of complex trauma-related disorders,
November 5, 6 Dresden, Klinik am Waldschlößchen – Content of workshop to be announced,
November 19, 20 Helsinki – Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I

Education fall 2020

October 23Stockholm, Wonsa – Resistance, difficulties and pitfalls in the treatment of complex trauma-related disorders,
November 19, 20Helsinki – Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I, it is unclear whether this workshop will take place live or change into a 2 day webinar.
December 3, 105pm-8pm, Formazione continua in psicologica – Diagnosis of complex dissociative disorders, English with Italian translation,
December 11Stockholm, Wonsa – Treatment of traumatic memories in complex dissociative disorders,

Education 2021

Due to Corona I can’t be sure that all workshops and  the conference as mentioned here will take place. Maybe some will be postponed and others given as a webinar.

February 5, 12, 19, 26, March 5 and 19Weekly 2 hour webinar about diagnosis and  treatment of dissociative disorders. More information 
April 10Hamburg – One day webinar. Enmeshment and the prevention of burnout, compassion fatigue and/or vicarious traumatization (English spoken, German translation) More information
April 9 & May 7, 8, 28    4 day webinar: diagnosis and phase 1 treatment of dissociative disorders. English with Slovak translation. More information:
June 4 and 5Milan, Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I (advanced workshop). English spoken with Italian translation. More information:
July 9 and 10Treatment of dissociative disorders, with Roger Solomon, EMDR specialist. More information:
October 15, 16 and 17London, Congress ‘Attachment and Trauma – Effective Clinical Interventions and Research’. More information.
November 13 and 14  A Coruña, Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I , 2 day workshop (and/or online webinar), English spoken, Spanish translation. More information.
November 26 and 27  Paris, 2 day webinar: Assessment of dissociative disorders with TADS-I, organized by EMDR France. English with French translation.
December 17 and 18Munich, Challenges in phase-oriented treatment for patients with complex dissociative disorders. An advanced workshop with a focus on the first two treatment stages. English with German Translation. More information:

Webinars and workshops 2022

January 207 pm webinar for the ESTD: An introduction to the Trauma and Dissociation Symptoms Interview (TADS-I): assessment of dissociative symptoms and disorders. For information see  (English)
February 19, March 12 and April 2A three day webinar: Assessment and Phase I Treatment of Dissociative Disorders (English with simultaneous translation in Spanish). Time in Argentina 9-12 and 13-16, time in the Netherlands 13-16 and 17-20)
March 18 -19 and April 22Webinar 9am -17pm: A three day advanced webinar on the treatment of dissociative disorders. English with consecutive translation in Slovak. More information
May 5 and 65pm-8pm webinar: Dilemma’s in the treatment of dissociative disorder clients (English and Italian, simultaneous translation in Italian) For information: Italian webpage and English webpage
September 2 and 3A Coruña, Spain, live workshop, 9.30-15.00 Differential diagnostic challenges and treatment planning for complex dissociative disorders. English with consecutive Spanish translation
September 30 and October 2  Rome, Italy. Live conference: Attachment and Trauma – Effective Clinical Interventions and Research. English. More information
November 4, 5 and 6    Webinar on diagnosis and treatment of complex dissociative disorders organized by the EMDR Institute. Details will follow.
November 11 and 12Slovakia. Webinar TADS- I training. English with consecutive translation. More information